Thursday, March 27, 2008

My trip to Labuan

Well suppose to write about this yesterday but I was just to tired and.. well tired what else can I say. Anyway the real purpose of my trip to Labuan was for a interview I had to attend on.. er.. the 20th. Thought it ended up more like a holiday but then again with all the free duty alcohol around. How could I not have fun drinking there haha... So my first time driving to Labuan. Had a take a ferry in.. er.. Menumbok to Labuan it took me 1 hour and 40 minutes to reach Menumbok from Kota Kinabalu or less I think as I was .. er.. some how thought it would take a while to search for the ferry terminal. Well I didn't know Menumbok was the the ferry port itself... The ticked was bought for 10.30. I left the house sharp 6am and reached there like 7.20... So ended up waiting for another few hours after reaching. Took a few pictures while on the ferry here it is:

The Menumbok Jetty
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Labuan can be seen from Menumbok Jetti
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So what did I do most of the time in Labuan.. called up Emerson as he was working there and asked him to bring me around. Went to the Birdpark and manage to touch one of the bird... erm looks like a bird but.. er.. here is a picture of the Bird looking thing:

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Does it look like a bird.. or a chicken? lol Anyway Don't wanna upload all the image to imageshack. Didn't use because all the album preset design looks too girly to be used for me now.

So gonna just post the last image which my sis took.. :

The Brothers
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Bro, future bro in-law, Adriel

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Changing blog layout

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