Saturday, April 2, 2011

Power to the People paaarty!

I was there yesterday evening pretty much looked like a bazar rather then party but yes there were drinks, stalls, lucky draw.. and PRETTY GIRLSSSSS haha!!!! The whole idea of the party is just to start a new event on April Fool day as mention of their facebook event page:

We are redefining April 1st!
This is not a practical joke, nor a hoax.
We are downright serious about
a coal-free future for Sabah.
Need we say more?
Just come
People + Power = Paaarty!

Click here for more Details

I shorten it if you want to see the page just click on the link above. Here are some pictures of the event Smile


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Left Photographer taking photo of beach surfer, Middle Pretty Girls?, Right guys showing of their Capoeira skill

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Left some ladies drinking while enjoying the sunset at First Beach Cafe, Middle the main event area, Right food stalls!!! Open-mouthed smile


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There was a dancing thing.. it is Aerobic exercise lol and bouncy stuff hehe


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Fake tattoo.. I think most of the people did it heh


I have uploaded all the pictures on my Facebook profile, if you find any of your faces there. Just tag yourself, I approve it Smile

Click here for more Photos

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