Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dream Job for every single Man?

“Private investigators have placed an advertisement for an undercover brothel inspector in Australia.
The £50,000-a-year placement would involve secretly "partaking of sexual services" on behalf of local councils in New South Wales.
The Lyonswood Investigations and Forensic Group in Sydney put up the job placement titled 'Brothel Buster Investigator' in My Career magazine.
Hopefuls are requested to be unmarried and single, while also prepared to have protected sex with prostitutes and to later appear in court to provide evidence.”

What more can a single man ask? get paid to sleep with girls. Read more all about it at:


digital spy


But this job is only available in Auatralia... and no not in Malaysia, the guy who apply for this job might get arrested for even trying to apply this in Malaysia lol

1 comment:

sinip said...

WTF!?! What a job!!! Can't bloody believe it. :-)

Changing blog layout

It has been a while since I actually did anything to this blog, I don't even know why do I still keep this site updated. Then again sinc...