Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My 1st injury while working

I have been working here for 4 month and 5 days. Finally I had a injury while carrying few of the items for the installation in Hyatt Hotel. Not really big cut, but it was small and.. deep on my hand palm. Spend 8 bucks to buy the medicine and so on.. and this was the result:

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Used my w850i so don't expect it to look like a 10mp picture quality

So what updates are there with the current company I am working for. I am still not bored, nor do I find it boring. Little tiring as I need to use my brain most of the time now days to solve the problem. As for other news? so far 4 of the staff here have resign. Why? well the only reason would be they were given a better offer by another company.

I don't really feel like jumping to another company because I am able to meet more people using this company. Not to mention most of them are VIP's xD getting more contacts then I used to work in Akira Digital Media. Even thought the pay is still less then what I used to earn. I still can afford to cover my daily usage. Another 2 years and I will have extra to spend once I am done paying the car installment.

As for Griselda? still the same...:

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Griselda Siok Sendiri
Taken when we were driving towards Gunung Emas

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Changing blog layout

It has been a while since I actually did anything to this blog, I don't even know why do I still keep this site updated. Then again sinc...