Monday, March 9, 2009

Back to work again...

Well it has been a good rest but reality shows up and yes.. work. I guess everyone don't really have a choice do they to continue on living now days, No work No money No money No BEER No Beer No Life.

Then again I just notice the past few post I posted... there is a tiny square box near the bottom of each post. It is an image and well linking to this site:

What is zemanta? I don't really have a clue, seems like the latest update of ScribeFire added this thing. Did I request for this function? erm.. I don't think so... Anyway I think it is being ticked by default, go to ScribeFire option on the left area with 5 tabs. Click on the tool icon, then in the tool area you will see a few more tabs. Click on Publishing, you see a box with "Automatic insert invisible tracking pixel.." well it is long... So anyway untick and hope the tiny box goes away. :)

Powered by ScribeFire.

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Changing blog layout

It has been a while since I actually did anything to this blog, I don't even know why do I still keep this site updated. Then again sinc...