Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Schoolgirls saw ghost in school
"I screamed and then blacked out after seeing the figure"
Where another 17 girls from Forms One to Four of SMK Langgar became hysterical after they claimed they saw the apparition in the school canteen at 9.30am.
There have been all kind of news regarding ghost appearing in school but most of them never made it to the news. This was a bit special because it involve 50 students.
Read all about it at:
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Choosing the Best Tour Agent in Kota Kinabalu
I happen to had breakfast in Devis Curry house this morning, yes the roti is delicious there. Anyway Promande Apartment hotel lobby is just beside the shop. So you get to see tourist would stop in front of Davis and go into the main entrance of Promanade apartment hotel. There was this particular lorry big a few Chinese looking tourist at the back of it. Try have a look:
Well anything could happen so it was nothing much to look at.. Maybe the transport they were using had some breakdown or something. So I saw them bringing down their luggage and so on entering the hotel.
Then I notice the driver of the lorry was doing something at the back of his lorry:
Notice the two item at the back of the lorry? Well I thought it was something mirror or TV being covered with a canvas & well the other item was a place . But no, the driver used it for something else…
Yes the driver just converted his lorry into a public transport now LOL. People can ride the lorry with out worrying about the sun now. The very same Chinese tourist came out of the hotel lobby and yes waited for the driver to finish setting up the tent hahaha…
The driver even show the tourist how they can climb up the lorry. I don’t see any of them having any problem except for the last guy.. yes he was the biggest there, not to mention carrying around his DSLR camera.
Two of his friend had to help pull him up LOL, the driver was this setting up the canvas. There is even a place to sit at the back.
Well maybe the tourist them self rented the lorry. Where they are heading I do not know, as I don’t think I know where can they go with a lorry and not with a 4x4 vehicle :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Naruto Chapter 445 Download
Still not out
Latest Update's from GutterUncensored
Anyway he has some updates on Abigail Clancy stuff, I am sure you perverts out day be happy to check it out as it is about nipple slip again haha
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Statistic of Gary Ng Blog
Keywords | Hits |
gary ng blog | 28 |
elizabeth wong | 17 |
gary ng video | 11 |
gary ng | 10 |
gutteruncensored | 6 |
gary ng blogspot | 4 |
garyng | 4 |
garyng blogspot | 3 | | 2 | traffic rank in other countries:
* 24,386 Australia
* 30,403 China
* 362,712 Germany
* 7,969 Hong Kong
* 221,027 Japan
* 894 Malaysia
* 2,192 Nigeria
* 37,473 Russia
* 169 Singapore
* 67,861 United Kingdom
With all this traffic and ranking on Alexa. I bet he can stop working already lol.
Want to know more about Gary Ng blog and his latest no face sex video? Google him up or just click on the link below:
Kelantan Royalty accuse of abusing young wife

Yes a picture of Manohara Odelia Pinot from
It seems like our Kelantan Royalty has done something. There have been not much news on it here, well I am not sure as I stopped watching the local television news. Even asiaone has a news about it saying:
"KELANTAN, Malaysia - A member of the Kelantan royalty has hit the news in Indonesia for allegedly kidnapping and torturing his model wife, reported Kosmo!" Read More
Yes more from Kosmo and no royalty name? Then again Malaysia-Today reported about it and no name miss out. Where in the Malaysia-Today mention:
"Her mother, Daisy Fajarina, said her daughter had suffered 'emotional and physical abuse' at the hands of her husband, who was holding her against her will in Malaysia. She said she had been refused entry to Malaysia to see her daughter, who was crying and distraught when she last spoke to her Indonesian family by phone from Malaysia on March 21."
Just for your information, Mrs. Manohara married last year to Tengku Temenggong Mohammad Fakhry, the prince of Malaysia's Kelantan state. Read all about it on:
Dear Valued Customers,
We wish to inform our Streamyx customers that Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) will be performing a network upgrading exercise from 11.00 pm, Wednesday, 22th April 2009 until 6.00 am, Thursday, 23rd April 2009.
As a result, Streamyx customers in Sungai Besi, Kuala Lumpur may experience a disruption of service during the stipulated period. We would like to assure you that the service would resume to normal after this period.
TM apologizes for any inconvenience caused whilst the same time, we would like to assure you that we are upgrading our network to enable us to serve you better.
Customers can call TM at 100 and select “Internet Services” or e-mail us at for any Streamyx related problems.
Thank You.
This was announce on the 14/04/2009, during the site was down. lol.. Read all about it at
Tips for those who are afriad of Ghost
Anyway back to the main topic, I receive the email from Chrity and here are the contain:
Ok, here are some beliefs of the hoteliers:
For single hotels, there is at least one permanent room which should be left vacant at all times. No matter how full the hotel is, they are not to sell that room(s) to any guest. It is said that the special room is 'reserved' for those 'special visitors'.
So, if you plan to stay in some hotel, always book in advance. Try to avoid walk-ins. If the receptionist tells you there's no more room available, do not insist to get one anymore or try to bribe them to give you a room. If you do that, most of the time the room you have will be that 'special room'.
Sometimes those 'special visitors' might go to other rooms also, so here's some tips on how to protect yourself.
Before entering your room, always knock on the door first, even if you know the room is vacant.
After you enter the room, if you feel very cold suddenly and have 'chickenspore', leave the room quietly immediately and go to the reception to request to change room. Most of the time, the receptionist will understand what's happening.
After you enter the room, immediately switch on all of the lights, and open the curtain to let the sunlight in.
Before you go to bed, arrange your shoes so that one of them is upside down. Some say this represents yin and yang to protect you while you're asleep. Always leave at least a lamp on while you're sleeping, preferably the toilet lamp.
If you're staying alone and they have give you a twin bed, do not sleep with the other bed vacant, try to put your things, like luggage, on the other bed before you sleep.
Here are some tips on protecting yourself in the cinema:
Do not attend the first screening of any movies in the cinema. By the first
screening, I mean the first time the movie is shown in that particular cinema.
What's the reason?
The first screening is meant for the 'special visitors'. However, if you insist on going, then sit somewhere in the middle. The first and last rows are reserved for 'them'.
Be warned....
Ever notice the last row in your local Cineplex is always vacant? Now you know 'who' reserves the seats."
Anyone seen a real ghost? :\
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Gary Ng has a new video
"I cannot imagine someone actually can use my name to get popular in her FL business...Yes, she did get popular with 2 pages of news report, but i think everyone in the forum are not stupid & had already know what is happening." Read more
So yes the whore used Gary Ng name to gain a short publicity on herself. But I guess she has enough money to pay her school fee now.
News about Amanda
Asiaone - The first report
Asiaone - Amanda claiming she slept with Gary NG
Watch Gary Ng Latest video on his blog - Sex in the shower
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Black armpit pictures of Elizabeth Wong have appear
Oh my sexy assemblywoman
News Site:
She has a black armpit, and well can see a bit of her beer belly. Yeah so that's about it for Elizabeth Wong new pictures. Not really worth looking at, I am still wondering why do they call it scandalous.
Unlike former MCA Chua Soi Lek, he had a sex video ha ha ha with a young lady too. Not to mention he did not want to resign at first until everyone pressured him LOL
Sick neighbour strangled a four-month-old puppy to death
Not only they killed the puppy, the son of the neighbor even threatened the puppy owner. For exposing the incident to NST causing him to go her house armed with a metal pipe, shouting for her and her husband. Yes the puppy owner is a lady by the name Sri Indria from Indonesia and she is pregnant too.
What kind of barbaric act is this? Threatening your neighbor for exposing the truth? Not to mention even willing to kill a harmless puppy. People like this should never live in Malaysia, they should go to some war country then get rape then killed.
I have remove the one I stopped visiting and yes added a new one. If you love to read, more ever it is about someone life I bet this one will just make you wonder what is her blog all about.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Strange IRC msg I receive
This guy with the same nick had join the channel once back in January this year and join another time today at 6pm too. He's from french well the ip was showing as he join in #malaysia channel in Dalnet server:
Wed Jan 21
[11:28pm] YoLtA ( has joined. 1154 people
Sun Apr 19
[6:13pm] YoLtA ( has joined. 1129 people
He never gave me the link, could be a virus site but then again you never know..
Admitting people you do Masturbate sometimes
Well like most of us, we would never admit such personal information. Unless you are a couple, married, or maybe into some orgy relationship. Then again unlike 1 of the Jonas Brothers, lead guitarist Nick Jonas made a announcement saying;
""I've been masturbating since I was 12. I see nothing wrong with it", Jonas explained." Read more
Not like there is anything wrong other then getting more attention from the media. Unless us the normal people, if a celebrity gave out such information it be a hot news. In other words, there be more free advertisement for them. It does help boost up the image and so on but it don't always turn out good.
For Nick Jonas case, I would say he really must have a thick face giving out personal information lol. If I was paid like 500k I would consider telling the world I am masturbating. Then again it would cover the expenses I need to go hiding for a while till people don't remember me. But on second thought... maybe I would still not do it.
Then again I still think they are like some gay brothers. Maybe it is because of the name, Jones Brothers. Sounds gay to me, but one of the Jones brothers did say “I get hard sometimes”. Joe said it but then again he did not have the gay look like Nick does. Try imagine nick saying that:
Fits in well lol :)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Penang Police officer caught with his Zip open
Well anybody caught would do the same thing to a religious officer in Malaysia. I mean like even myself, during the fasting month. They would go around supposedly with a police officer. I myself got checked a few times and there was 1 time I was eating in a Indian shop. An religious officer came to ask for my I.C, I looked at him and said "Where is yourt Identification card?, which department are you working? Where if your supervisor and police officer?" He quickly took out his Identification card and called his supervisor along with the police officer. Lol I then showed the police my Identity Card.
If someone ever claim they are from some religious shit, then ask for your Identification Card. Never give your card out or follow them where ever they ask you to unless they are with an Police Officer and alone with few others religious officer. If there are just 2 of them, you can start kicking them in the balls and shout for help. Because if you are a girl they will usually take advantage and do more if you understand what I mean. Even if you are with your friend or boyfriend. Never believe anyone out there. :)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I went to the venue area which located at Segama Waterfront. The whole walkway area was being fully utilize for the welcoming party of Malaysia 1st Submarine. It was really a great event, I mean like they had a event for the submarine which was not even there. The submarine is parked at Sepanggar Bay, well not like they did mention the submarine will be at the event area and Adrian was there too. Anyway I took some pictures and yes there were some nice stuff to look at :)
The Only picture of the submarine Available there?
A shot taken from the back of Strawberry Building :)
Jabatan Kastam was there too and showing all kind of pictures they have
Adrian Posing hehe
Some of the pictures that caught my eyes
Adrian’s hand on the left lol He had to take a picture too
The fish which worth MYR3,000,000.00 & Our typical Malaysian the Fat Trafic police :D (Too Much Kopi O!!)
There were some competition going on too for school kids. One of them was a Coloring Competition, I am not sure what will they win but I am sure it was something good. Because there were kids crying on the competition while continue on drawing and coloring lol
Despite crying, she still continue on drawing something.. erm odd.
Another crying kid, she was still coloring while leaning on the floor :\
There was a Clown too but I think maybe that the reason why the kids are crying..
Here are two.. erm.. youngster cosplaying as a pirate & sailor
I took a lot of pictures but most of them were not good. Then again I was using a Canon Digital IXUS 70 which belongs to Sorian. My camera was with Alan and I forgot I wanted to use it today. This is an easy camera to use where you just have to click, focus, and press to get a nice shot with all its user friendly features. Unlike mine, I have to adjust the setting before getting a good shot.
Anyway for real, I would have to say the whole event was bad. Everybody was standing like an idiot waiting for the VIP’s (Very Annoying Person). I mean like the event was suppose to start on 9AM. Don’t fucking make the public wait just because you are some big shot bastard. Don’t they realize they got a job because we are paying them with the tax money? I did not stay long because I came like around 8 AM and by 9AM the sunlight was shining everywhere. Take a look:
Everyone was waiting and this was like already 9.42AM
I left the place around 10AM, as I could not stand the heat and yes… I sweated a lot. Anyway I took some pictures of the VIP’s and yes they were very relax because of the place they are sitting and the pretty girls around them:
Teleporting? :)
For those who are interested to go, I would suggest you to go night time. They be on till 10PM if I am not wrong, as for me I might go for some nice cold beer and not waste my time taking pictures of something common. :)
Aditional Information On Freedom Entry Event
Friday, April 17, 2009
Naruto Chapter 444
Yes tomorrow be 18th April 2009 and I be going to watch Malaysia 1st Submarine. I bet our PM will never forget about it, I mean not only being the 1st submarine bought. But also it has some relation with the Altantuya Shaariibuu Fashion model Murder :)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Adjusting my daylight saving?
It has been pretty hot the past few days, you get sun burn easily if you are not used to it. But of cause some idiot wants to get sunburn and go for sun tanning during this summer time. Where they end up getting sunburn and not tan lol.
Anyway Malaysia 1st submarine is expected to arrive Kota Kinabalu soon. You can have a look at it infront Segama waterfront I think... nvm in front of Cocoon Restaurant and Bar I mean. I am sure everyone knows where is that. There is a new pedestrian walking area, just near the big sword fish which cost rm3 million to be build. I would like to go there but then it would depends on the weather, my mood and of cause... how crowded is it. If there is just too many people I don't want to go.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
56 Year old & disable man is actually a local p0rn Star LOL
Who would imagine a 56 year old man could be making money by selling his own porn? Maybe he had those big Cd-r burner that could burn up 10-20 Cd's at a time, then using it to burn all his porn movie he created. I bet he must be 1 rich disable man lol..
Are you being harrassed online?
Well for your information there is a good team of people who can handle such case. Malaysian Computer Emergency Response Team (MyCERT),
MyCERT was formed on January 13, 1997 and started its operation fully on March 01, 1997. Operating from the office of CyberSecurity Malaysia, MyCERT provide a point of reference for the Internet community here to deal with computer security incidents and methods of prevention.
They have a section to handle such case which is called Cyber999 services. The site even include guide line on how to make the report, as they will need details such as the IP address, what kind of damage was done and so on. If your I.T knowledge is bad, I suggest you check the guideline first before doing a report.
GutterUncensored latest post
Read All about it from
(Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. So you can forget about commenting anything about it)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 Traffic rank between few blogs & My
- 325,048 Canada
- 155,235 Indonesia
- 4,067 Malaysia
- 9,569 Singapore traffic rank in other countries:
- 72,290 Australia
- 196,226 China
- 212,703 India
- 1,699 Malaysia
- 1,419 Singapore traffic rank in other countries:
- 100,031 Australia
- 48,590 Indonesia
- 265,046 Japan
- 1,068 Malaysia
- 21,111 Singapore
- 71,175 Thailand traffic rank in other countries:
- 4,002 Australia
- 617 Brunei
- 89,123 Canada
- 38,520 China
- 100,130 India
- 29,905 Indonesia
- 293 Malaysia
- 6,473 New Zealand
- 5,935 Qatar
- 81,148 Russia
- 1,052 Singapore
- 29,208 United Kingdom
- 294,892 United States
What is
Alexa Internet, Inc. is a California-based subsidiary company of that is best known for operating a website that provides information on web traffic to other websites. (Wikipedia)
I was bored, not to mention I worked till late night yesterday. Then again I could not reject any work offered at the moment, so I just accepted anything requested by friends, existing client, and new client that is with in my capability to handle.
Ever thought of becoming a toyboy?
"A popular toy boy may earn about RM4,600 a night, said one of them." Read more
So like wow, they can earn what a average Singaporean earn in a month? So guys if you think you got the looks and the needs for money. I can bet you be earning a lot becoming a toyboy :)
What is a toyboy?
A young male partner for a woman or man..(Wiktionary)
Windows 7 Anyone?
"A survey, of more than 1,100 IT professionals, is one of the first extensive looks at Windows 7's early sales prospects. It found that a whopping 83% of enterprises plan to skip the OS in its first year. While the business market typically tends toward caution when it comes to new products, the figure is nonetheless surprising given that almost no large companies migrated to Vista and as a result most have been using XP much longer than planned." Read more
Did microsoft ever think about it if the people really want a new Operating System or a fix XP? :)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Gutter Latest update With New layout
"Gutter Uncensored:
Sorry, New Blog Not Up Yet. It will be up in a week or two with all new updates. Only thing needs to be done now is to pick a new template or theme for the blog because it seems a lot of people did not like the all black look. Any ideas drop a line at The original plan was to launch the new website on May 1th but that seems too far away for most people and I am getting pretty bored too.last Tuesday"

Music Monday: Typecast - The Boston Drama (Official Version)
My New temporary Identity Card
So back to the main topic, about my new temporary I.D. It is much bigger, more flexibility, much thinner, and yes it is printed out of a laser printer. Here is a picture of it:

As you can see it is just temporary, but I actually need to bring this around in my wallet? I mean just look at my old MyKad that has been place in my wallet:
Well then again it is just for 1 month. But there are case where people sometimes only get after like 6 months. That is a very long time and if you needed to open a bank account. The fucking bank would not allow you to do so with the temporary Identity Card. Yes I have experience it with RHB bank while trying to activate back my account, that was the reason why I changed my card last year.
So back to the main point, if your MyKad has a problem reading the chip, or there are crack just like most Malaysian buildings. It is time for you to change it, it just cost RM10. But if you insist on not paying it and would like to find a alternatively way. Go make a police report saying you were rob, along with your Identity Card taken. Just say you left your driving license, atm cards and so on back at home. After finishing the police report, go to JPN then tell them that you were rob and need a new MyKad. It be free from what I heard with few of my friends. Might be true but if anyone did it or experience being rob before please leave a comment about it because I never tried that yet.
For MyKad
Public Bank
RHB bank
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Shop owner striped and taken nude picture by potential tenant.
The lady must have really gotten pissed off. Not only she was cheated thinking she finally found somebody willing to rent her shop. She was also rob and being humiliate while being pictured in nude... It really sucks for such incident to happen but... how NST reported it... LOL I cannot help not laughing while reading it.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
NST strage link removal
Sorry, the requested URL you're looking for is no longer available or have moved. Please check the URL for proper spelling or capitalization. You can also try visiting NST's homepage or use the search box."
I am wondering what happened, maybe the editor made a mistake and thought it was his blog or something. Then again here is a screen shot of the missing link in case they remove it or updated it.

It could be a mistake, or it maybe because of our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak words :
Never tell lies or the real truth
It only undermined public confidence in the political process
You be C4'ed
Read all about it
Vietnamese Bride dumped after being used?
This businessman claim that he could not communicate with her (Ngo could only speak Vietnamese), she wouldn’t wear the clothes he bought for her, but he understood that she kept saying she wanted to go back to Vietnam???
What a fucking big fat liar, how can he claims she wants to go back when he could not communicate with her. He should have choose a Russian wife from ebay. At lease he can say "She only know how to say yes, no & $500 dollar!!!!" as an excuse to dump her back to the agent with a refund.
Strippers in Sweeden are being TAX!!!
"I don't think they have any costs really - almost 100% of what they earn is pocketed. Many have regular work and this is extra income. We want them to register their activity as a business - it's still taxable, even if it's a hobby," Read more
What idiot wants to register them self with the income tax? Idiots.
Government Talking Crap?
"Korn's heavy metal music and N.E.R.D's "erotic style" could damage the morals of teenagers"
So it is OK for adults to listen to them? I mean like even walking on the street now days could damage the teenagers. There are arcade center allowing students to play all day long and the contain of some game has nude scene. There are parents who let their kid be a spoiled brat just like on GutterUncensored site post. So what is wrong having some freedom enjoying real heavy metals, or partying so wild just to enjoy 1 night?
You see high ranking minister enjoying pleasing them self with prostitute. I bet every officer ranking guys in the government department has their own hidden secret. So why bother to disturb the public entertainment?
This people now days really don't have anything better to do.
Naruto chapter 443
Sacred Heart Church
So yes I went for the good Friday mass today with Griselda, Emily & Leigh. Started off at 6pm, the place was really pack as you can see from the Video and really warm.. no Hot. We were sitting below the fan and yes I was sweating a lot still. Anyway the church has really a long history in Kota Kinabalu. Back then it was called The Pre-War Sacred Heart Church. From the name itself you would know it was a church build during the war time & completed in 1938.
The idea of constructing a new Cathedral building was first mooted in early 1970s when it was discovered that the roof structure of the old Pro-Cathedral was weak and threatening the safety of the building. The old building was constructed in 1953 after the World War II when the former church was demolished by aerial bombing in 1960, certain renovations and additions were found necessary to cope with the increasing numbers coming to the Sacred Heart Church.
The job was awarded in September and completed in early November 1981. The main Cathedral has a capacity of about 1,200 on the ground and another 250 seats on the balcony. The interior of the Cathedral is column-free and the Building Committee has paid special attention to acoustic, ventilation and lighting for the building.
Today a striking landmark in the State Capital, the Cathedral holds four Sunday Masses (Sunset Mass in English, First Mass in Chinese, Second Mass in English and the Third Mass in the Malay language) with a combined congregation of about 5,000 faithfuls.
I just notice it is over 12.. so I mean the post was suppose to be yesterday stuff... :\
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Nuffnang D.O.B Alert
Dear blogger,
You are receiving this email because you are registered as having the minimum year of birth ( 1997-1998 ) on our system. We have found that there are a number of users who have registered an incorrect date of birth, whether intentionally or unintentionally by leaving it at the default year setting.
If you have registered your correct date of birth with us then kindly disregard this email.
Otherwise, we strongly encourage you to correct your date of birth entry. We use your age to determine campaign targeting as well as in our proposals to clients for other projects. Please be assured that your age is never displayed publicly.
You may update your date of birth by logging into your blogger account.
Thanks for your time. Have a nice day!
- The Nuffnang Team
I did not bother much as they said "If you have registered your correct date of birth with us then kindly disregard this email.". So I without thinking much I wanted to ignore it.. but then I just had to check my Profile Details in Nuffnang.. I opened up and saw :
So with no hesitation I updated my details right away and fixed it. Anyone else receive the email and notice their Birth of Date is wrongly set? Please leave a comment.
How I met Griselda back?
I was back in Kota Kinabalu during 1996, I was primary 6 by then. I did meet Cathy and asked about Griselda but as usual the same answer causing the conversation about her to end all the time. As I grew up I met a lot of people, girls and well good friends. With out them I would have not used Friendster nor do I had the intention to register on it during the beta time. But after few days resisting I ended up registering for a Friendster account. It did took a while before Friendster was going popular and I think it was around 2004 when most Sabahan's started to own a Friendster account. As popularity started to gain, people are starting to find back their old friends, schoolmates, workmate, young boys(BiBi & Ash), Pretty girls( Chris), & so on from FriendSter.
So as time pass by, I too wanted to find my old friends including Griselda but I did not know how was her name being spelled. Yes I mean like I was kindergarten and not everyone that time knew how their friend name are spelled? Anyway she found me.. erm.. from Cathy friend list. With some hasitation she gave me a message there
From: Griselda Girley
Date: 07/04/2006 12:06 pm
Subject: hello..
hi adriel,
i was wondering...r u the 1 who was schooling in
St Francis kindergarden?...n r u cathy's
cousin? still remember
Of cause I would lol so I replied her:
Adriel wrote:
erm... I think so... we were in the same class is
it for a while? near the principle office? also I
was calling by ur second name griselda?
is it?
From: Griselda Girley
Date: 07/05/2006 8:57 am
Subject: yup......
hi..kamusta kana?...hmmm....yup,dat's u..we were
in the same class..hmm,i thought u didn't
recognize not second name but it's
the 1st name..juz using my confirmation name in,how life?where r u now?having
kids odi ka?working?haven't seen u in
gosh u hv grown..hahaha..but,never c ur face
larr,submit 1 photo for me la..can ka?..i oni met ur
cousin cathy..i also ask about u..hihihi..s for
me,im working here in Tg Aru Plaza..find more
money..hahaha..well,c u soon...chawing..
Adriel wrote:
eh.. oh first name haha... didn't know cause ur
name show like this "angela griselda".. lol just
doing some freelance job, fixing pc and so on at
the moment. Trying to find a regular job that I
have interest in, not having any kids yet!! gila
ah want have kids lol, living around town and
still in kk. Which shop or office are you working
at? the cyber? anyway if you got msn or yahoo
add me
yahoo messenger: REMOVED
msn messenger: REMOVED
talk with you later or just by friendster msg :P
From: Griselda Girley
Date: 07/05/2006 2:03 pm
Subject: hmmmm....ok..
hello... doing pc
stuff...dat's good oso la..LOL..i thought u hv kids
odi la...still young working in one of a
contruction company.s a general
clerk..LOL..ordinary work only..nothing much..i
thought u r in KL or sum where else...LOL..i only
have internet in the office...i hv both of the ym n
msn..add u odi...
So yes.. the chit chat goes on till 1st April 2008 then we officialy started dating :)
Why april fool? erm.. at lease I would know if I get a rejected, I can still act like it was a joke. hehe Dawing XD
I hate spammers
Nickname: wilsonphua
Date: 09 Apr 09 12:47
IP Address:
Even Chimpanzees pays for sex?
Anyway the article was written by BBC news about how does the Chimpanzees enter into "deals" whereby they exchange meat for sex.
"This is a long-term exchange, so males continue to share their catch with females when they are not fertile, copulating with them when they are." Real more
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Public Bank ATM & Visa Debit Card VS MyKad
The card quality are good, not to mention my old atm card lasted me 8 years. Not a single change during those 8 years, never had too even now. The only reason I changed is because I thought it be replace with the red color atm card like other people have.
But still, those atm card could not beat our MyKad created by Government. They spend millions of tax money into inventing the MyKad. Not to mention they finally made use of our Tax and made something like the world's first smart identity card. So like wow I actually own 1 of those MyKad I mean like EVERY MALAYSIAN DOES!. For those non Malaysian, well can't blame you for not having a smart government like ours. I mean this MyKad is really good, just look how does it looks like after less then 1 year having it:
So tell me which country in the world has such 1st class Identity Card like Malaysian does?
Or by the way, I had to replace the old MyKad last year because RHB bank could not read the chip on it. That was around end of April 2008 so I guess it is 11 months and 8 days old. I think.
Reference for this post:
MyKad -
Public Bank -
RHB Bank -
Latest Updates from GutterUncensored
Sorry, New Blog Not Up Yet. It will be up in a week or two with all new updates. Only thing needs to be done now is to pick a new template or theme for the blog because it seems a lot of people did not like the all black look. Any ideas drop a line at The original plan was to launch the new website on May 1th but that seems too far away for most people and I am getting pretty bored too."
Was taken from his FaceBook Profile
Engaged lady Raped by her own friend
It happened around 8AM in the morning while waiting for a taxi in front of her house. Where her friend happened to pass by then stopped to offer her a ride. She claim to have rejected the offer but the friend repeatedly request to give a ride. So the victim just followed with out knowing the rapist real intention.
While on the way to work, the friend claim to have left some important document back at home. So he inform her that he needs to go back home and take it. But the lady insisted to send her first which resulted a small argument and it ended up with a physical attack. The lady was repeatedly slapped on the face causing her to pass out.
"As the guy reached home, the lady regain conscious and tried to run away also shouted for help. But with no luck there was nobody and the friend over powered her physically. She was raped repeatedly onwards." Read more (malay)
I have notice there is a lot of rape incidents going on now days. I mean like is it increasing or is it getting more expose?. Those victim who are being raped has more confident in the police rather in this time, rather then before maybe just telling their friends and hunt down the rapist and kill him. Maybe because of the technology today, rapist are being tempted by the Porn available for free from the internet. Making them desperado and turning them into a rapist. Still I wish to see someone actually being arrested and also being a victim of Anti-Rape Condom. I am sure he be a famous rapist, going to the hospital along with the rape victim lol.
Anyway I was reading about it on from myMetro and yes they write almost about everything and not just Politics like some others local news. The only issue I had was the language they use. Only Bahasa Melayu, not that I could not read it but if there is something interesting and yes I would like to blog about it. I have to do a translation for the whole article. Anyway if you are a Malaysian I would recommend you to have a look at the site :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Someone claim to be working from Astro giving a free second decoder
ring ring (my mobile phone rang)
Adriel: Hello
Lady : Hello, boleh bercakap dengan Encik Adriel?
Adriel: Yes, speaking.
Lady : Ok, saya pangil dari Astro dan ingin memumun kan bahawa Encik telah menang
sebuah astro decoder percuma.
Adriel: Ohh ok
Lady : Jadi Encik Adriel, anda boleh memberitahu jiran-jiran, kawan-kawan dan ahli
keluarga Encik tentang ini.
Adriel: Er.. Jadi saya macam kena kasih tahu satu dunia yang saya telah menang sebuah
decoder astro percuma?
Lady : Tidak encik, tidak!
Adriel: So apa patut saya buat?
Lady : Encik boleh memberitahu ahli keluarga encik dan jiran-jiran encik
Adriel: So I need to inform them still?
Lady : Tidak tidak!!!
Adriel: Yakaaa?? (giigle'ing)
Lady : .....
Then the line got cut off.. I think either her credit just finished up or she hung up. Does sound like a scam or the free unit is being exploited and she is smart enough to make it sound like we really won something from astro. :)
Those who want to have a free second decoder please do not hesitate to call her at this number:
Just say you got it from Encik Adriel. I did not get her name as she was talking really fast.
About Astro
ASTRO ALL ASIA NETWORKS plc (ASTRO) is Malaysia’s leading cross-media group with a significant presence in DTH (Direct-To-Home) TV services and commercial radio. Astro, the subscription TV service commenced operations in 1996 with 22 channels and currently broadcasts over 100 pay-TV channels across Malaysia and Brunei, to over 2 million subscribers in four major languages.
A blogger
Then this particular 1 just caught my eyes.
The blog is about a full time Wife and Mother also a Part Time Blogger. For once I hardly see much who would write about every little details happen and post it on the blogs. There are some but not much, so what makes this blogger special?
I notice she has more 200 post (roughly estimation with 5 post per page) and its like there are daily updates. Where her recent post has just gotten my attention haha;
"I recently I found out that most of the blogs that exchanged links with me have not placed my link on their blogs or haven't grabbed my badge, so I am cleaning up my blog roll and am removing the blogs that didn't link back to me."
Well not that I am expecting anything but yes I would like to read someone blog is straight forward. :)
Changing blog layout
It has been a while since I actually did anything to this blog, I don't even know why do I still keep this site updated. Then again sinc...
Well for Malaysian most of us who owns a car would fill up at a petrol station. One of few patrol station is Petronas Station , they have th...
I started to notice my cbox is getting a lot of spam link and yes towards those blog who wants to generate a lot of money. They work day and...